Sunday, March 19, 2006

I sleep around

I used to be one of those girls who had trouble sleeping. I couldn't sleep in a moving vehicle or with too much light or with my overactive imagination. Flashforward several long years, and you're now talking to a girl who can do it anywhere. My answer came in the form of whoring myself out to the joys of travel. My lust for parts unknown, the open road or simply somewhere other than where I currently am have led me to some interesting sleeping quarters. I've bedded down in foreign dorms, the floor of O'Hare, and even the couch of a friends apartment. I slept on raised bamboo in Thailand under a thatched roof and mosquito netting, a hotel shaped like a boat in Puerto Rico, and in a Vegas hotel room where the door wouldn't lock and was held shut by my propping a chair against the door. I do cars at rest stops and even caught a few winks behind the wheel and stopped at a traffic light. Last night I grabbed a couple of hours of sleep on the regional Amtrak as it barreled toward Connecticut and this morning napped a couple more hours on the bottom bunk of a four-year old's Strawberry Shortcake comforter. I guess you could say I sleep around.


  1. 1. The photo of the day is a-ma-zing! Great choice!

    2. I bet you're jealous you didn't get to sleep at the Anchorage Hotel with a dresser against the door for safety!

  2. so funny! wow, the vegas hotel room thing was brave!

    one time i slept in a car in a parking garage in valencia, spain with four other girls. i guess i am glad i wasn't the one who had to sleep in the driver's seat.

  3. Thanks, Scarlet. You know I was jealous of that Anchorage stay ; )

    Amanda, what's worse about sleeping in the driver's seat is that I was technically in traffic. I just got so tired that when I hit a red light I would slip the car into park and snooze!

  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I get in very good sleep right around take off on homebound flights. Fun post.

  5. Anonymous3:57 PM

    this made me laugh. i am a total whore when it comes to my ability to "sleep around." i wonder what my husband would say about that!

    ever since having children though, i find it easier than ever before to sleep in any awkward location. but i'll admit, your locations sound far more exotic than my awkward!
