Tuesday, November 08, 2011

this & that

I love Oh Joy's this & that series. When I noticed two of my recent finds were aesthetically suited to each other, I couldn't resist. Both of these artifacts are great examples of the fact that some of my favorite things didn't cost me a dime. I'm the friend who will stop to collect a cool rock or twig as we're walking along.

graffiti rocks
This: Piece of concrete that was tossed off to the side at a recently graffitied wall. It looks like something the artists would first test their colors on, but to me, it's art.
broken up
That: Broken piece of a plate I spied while walking home from the bus one night and was immediately drawn to its colors.


  1. What a cool idea! I love the colors in your "this" and "that" and can totally see why you would need to stop to take a picture. Fun post!

  2. I love this the colors are great!!!!

  3. Courtney, I didn't just take their picture. I took them home. Hahaha. Oops :-)
