I had a bit of an internal debate about whether to add this feature. I am a far, far cry from anything resembling a fashionista. I generally subscribe to the theory that the clothes, in fact, do
not make the man. For all the principles I would like to stand on, the majority of the first world disagrees with me. Still, I do appreciate a fun outfit for its creativity and confidence-boosting power. I also like to wear certain outfits sometimes just to manipulate what people think of me. Add to that the lack of chunky chicks talking about clothes (outnumbered for sure) and a Friday feature is born.
I had, in fact, talked myself out of this until I happened to be in Richmond on Thursday for a meeting and drove past the most perfect, colorful wall. Couple that with the fact that I happened to be wearing fun tights and an outfit I didn't hate, and you get me with my camera perched on the car with the self timer on. Good times. :-)
As many of
compatriots can attest, posing by yourself with people driving and walking by is pretty damned difficult.
That wall rules! And oops, the link goes to svrspry;)