Monday, July 18, 2011

Lovin' me some chronic bitchface

Chronic Bitchface by Kris Atomic, available for sale here

Kris is brilliant. For years I have suffered from this affliction but have never had an official diagnosis! Ah...the relief. I've always told people in an offhanded way that I'm just not a natural smiler. I'm happy, but you won't see me truly radiate unless you do something special. I wonder if I can get away with putting this on my office door. ;-)

Turns out I'm not alone in sporting the pursed lip more frequently than the easy smile. I really connected with an article in the latest issue of The Gentlewoman (smashing new mag) on Janet Street-Porter. She has lived such a full life and is at a point where she seems completely confident in who she is.

When asked whether her opinion columns were fueled by her displeasure, her response had me laughing out loud.
"Maybe, but I'm also in touch with what gives me pleasure...but you don't have to go around like a Moonie, fucking smiling about everything."

So there you have it. I'm Serena, and I suffer from chronic bitchface.


  1. Hilarious. I love it!

  2. Hey! I have chronic bitchface, too! I also have the Kris Atomic print ;-)

    P.S. I moved my blog! I'm now at Come visit!

  3. Love that you got it, Green!

  4. JonahA6:27 PM

    Amen to that! Plus if you smile too much, your face muscles start to hurt.

  5. Good point, Jonah!
