Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dreaming of easter eggs and flip flops

I love winter. I truly do. This winter has been particularly special because I feel like I've finally been able to experience it the way it should be experienced...among mounds and mounds of glorious, white fluffy snow. It is official. This winter is the snowiest in DC's history, and as a native Texan, I'm loving it. Layers of socks and shirts and scarves. Perfect knitting and crafty project weather.

Despite my love, I have a confession to make. I've started dreaming of slightly warmer temperatures that allow me to wear floaty dresses, feel a nice breeze on my legs and slide back into my familiar flip flops.

I want to plan a massive adult easter egg hunt and invite everyone I know (and even those I don't).

I want to plan picnics and ride my bike again...

...and once again go to outdoor movies.

I think that by the beginning of March I will be ready to embrace* spring.

*Also, I am a hypocrite. You should fully expect me to complain of allergies and hating the heat. Just so you know.
**All images courtesy of We Heart It (self-flagellation has begun for being unable to find the original source).

1 comment:

  1. lots of good stuff to look forward too, and pretty pics!!
