
Monday, April 18, 2005

Concrete must grow better with water

It's the time of year again where I walk the streets of DC every morning only to see the concrete sidewalks receiving their daily watering. Why? In this day and age of water shortages and conservation, why must we waste a precious resource by watering the sidewalk? It's not thirsty. It doesn't grow. Word on the street has it that the sidewalk is being cleaned. What, then, ever happened to sweeping? Not only is water being wasted on the sidewalks, the mini streams it creates carry all manner of urban runoff into DC's stormwater system and eventually into the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers. Great...let's sanction the wasting of water and pollution. Enough of my soapbox for today. Let me hop down.

In other news, last night's special project interview with Paul revealed way more than I ever wanted to know. He did make an interesting contrast to all the others I've spoken with. 3 more this week.

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